Please Support Us In Tour De Cure!
Rachel and I recently accepted the challenge of cycling in the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure fund-raising event. We are taking part in this event because we believe in and support the Association’s mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
You, too, can help by supporting our fund-raising efforts with a generous contribution. Your tax-deductible gift will make a difference to more than 20 million Americans who are affected by diabetes and another 40 million who are at risk for developing diabetes. It is faster and easier than ever to support this great cause - you can make your donation online by simply clicking the link at the bottom of this message. If you would prefer, you can also mail your tax-deductible contribution. To get mailing information, please send me a message.
More information on the American Diabetes Association, its programs, and diabetes in general can be found at the Association’s Web site, To find out more information on our Tour de Cure, please visit
Both of us reached our goal of $100 apiece. But, you can still donate.
If these links do not send you directly to our personal fund-raising pages, please cut and paste the entire link, from beginning to end, into your Web browser and hit return.
Removed outdated links.–Ed.