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Linux is Installed

less than 1 minute read

Hi. The Linux install went rather smoothly. The only problem was that I had was a lack of a network connection. I didn’t have a cable long enough to reach fr...

Tivo Rocks

less than 1 minute read

I recently got a Tivo unit that supports DirecTV. I must say that this is a must have item. You can pause live TV, record two different channels while watchi...

Linux Installation

less than 1 minute read

Finally, after spending a day or so trying to get the installation discs downloaded, I am ready to install. Since this is my first Linux installation, I deci...

PayPal’s Back and my Linux Download

less than 1 minute read

Well, I logged on to check to see how my Linux download was doing. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. I tried downloading it again, but it said the server had too man...

Linux on a Laptop?

less than 1 minute read

Well, I’ve got this laptop that I’m not using, so I figured why not put Linux on it? Anyways, I’ve got about another nine hours left on the download, so I gu...