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Digg The Digg Button

less than 1 minute read

I don’t know if anyone of you watches systm. Anyway, on the last half of Episode #10, they showed an LED panel that reflects the number of Diggs a particular...

Tour De Cure 2007, The Aftermath

less than 1 minute read

Yesterday, Rachel and I rode in the American Diabetes Association’s Tour de Cure 2007. We signed up to do the 10K ride. We had a good time, but we should hav...


1 minute read

Last night, we heard a large crash and went outside to investigate. Well, we tried to go outside. A large branch from one of our oak trees had fallen. It fel...

Work Shift

less than 1 minute read

Recently my employer instituted a policy that would let employees work four 10-hour days instead of five 8-hour days. At first, I was against it. My days see...

Time In A Bottle

3 minute read

I suppose that the title of my last blog post, “Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is,” is rather appropriate. My last post was in March. I generally like ...