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Back To Work

1 minute read

After not being in the office since June 14, it was weird going to the office today. I will have to get used to waking up early again. Falling asleep at 1:00...

Independence Day 2007

1 minute read

As always, I hope that everyone had a safe holiday yesterday and that you did not lose any fingers and toes. When I was in Pennsylvania last week, I was temp...

Heat Wave

less than 1 minute read

Okay, it is not quite that hot. But, with an air conditioner that is not currently working, it seems like it is. The compressor stopped working yesterday. As...

Statistics Finals

less than 1 minute read

Being on the road for the last two weeks did not give me a lot of time to study. Consequently, my homework and exam grades for the last two weeks suffered. A...