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Happy Thanksgiving

2 minute read

I hope that everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Rachel and I slept in most of the day. Around noon, we decided to get up and do something. We met Rac...

Sleep Paralysis, Anniversary, And Beans

1 minute read

A few weeks ago, I received a ham from the HoneyBaked Ham Company. After removing as much meat as I could, I was still left with a rather large ham bone. Ins...

First Snows

less than 1 minute read

Yesterday, we got our first snows of the cold weather season. While the Snow Belt just east of us got six to eight inches, we only received flurries. Rachel ...

Durango Despair

1 minute read

Recently, we took our Durango for its first oil change. Even though we had some issues with Wal-Mart before, we took another chance and had them do the oil c...

School Daze

less than 1 minute read

Today I started my last class for the year. It is another English class. As English is not my favorite subject, I usually dread the classes. Fortunately, the...