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Galleries Galore

2 minute read

I just finished putting up a new photo gallery. I still have a bit of tweaking to do. But, it is done for the most part. The new gallery can handle more pict...

Moving Down The Road

less than 1 minute read

Now that Rachel and I got our bikes back from the shop, we are back to riding. The repair shop did a good job with our bikes. Rachel is able to shift again, ...


1 minute read

Two brown, black, and white dogs were last seen in the vicinity heading eastbound. After several attempts, the escapees were finally apprehended.

Born Again

1 minute read

A week or so ago, I left my dinosaur plant by the window for some much needed sunlight. Unfortunately, for the plant, I left the window open all night. When ...


1 minute read

I have wanted to have a security system at the house for a while. But, with estimates into the thousands, it was way outside our price range. Recently, Rache...