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Bad Day

1 minute read

Well, my day had been going good. Unfortunately, that’s no longer the case. The hard drive on my home computer died on me. Most of what I lost isn’t a big de...

Dog Updates

1 minute read

It’s been over a month since our two new additions. We had been treating Kelly for tapeworm, but she is now clean. Also, both Kara and Kelly have gained some...

A Year In Ohio

1 minute read

Well, it’s been just over a year since my wife and I moved from California. So far, most everything has been going great. There have been the occasional prob...


less than 1 minute read

Grr… I’ve got a Windows 98 SE machine that I’ve used for several years. I have only had one problem with it that is until now. Lately, it has been locking up...

Fencing And Wiring

2 minute read

Well, it’s another rainy day in Lorain. Of course, that’s not too unusual. Fortunately, we got most of the cement work done around our new gate. We still hav...