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How To Not Repair A Street

less than 1 minute read

On Friday, April 16, my wife and I captured an event that inadvertently became a media sensation. One of our security cameras captured a road construction ac...

With Spring Comes Changes

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It is difficult to believe that another month has already passed. Fortunately, we did not experience too many problems. As usual, we had our ups and down. Bu...

Short Month

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I know that February is a short month. However, it seemed to go quicker than usual. As typical, we had a bunch of snow. Once weekend, the snow almost prevent...

New Year’s 2010

1 minute read

Every start of a new year, it is a weird feeling to write a different year on documents and such. It is even weirder to write years in a different decade. As...

Merry Christmas 2009

1 minute read

I hope that everyone had a good Christmas. They say that this is the time of year we get together with friends and family. However, most of my friends out of...