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Weekly Update

1 minute read

It has been a busy past few days. On Wednesday, I started my next school term. This term I am taking IT350: SQL, IT274: Intermediate C#, and EL205: Prior Lea...

How To Meet The Chief Of Police

1 minute read

On Monday, I was reviewing transactions on my bank’s website. I noticed two charges at a local gas station that totaled over $540! I knew that they did not b...

Thermal Shock

less than 1 minute read

On Sunday night, I was upstairs programming when I heard Rachel call me from downstairs. I hurried downstairs to see what the problem was. She pointed to the...

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

less than 1 minute read

Happy (belated) Thanksgiving! Still being unemployed, it is difficult to be thankful. However, I understand that times are tough for everyone. I am optimisti...

Happy Anniversary

less than 1 minute read

On Monday, Rachel and I celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. Actually, “celebrated” is probably not accurate. With our current situation, it does not ...