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One Last Reunion For The Night

1 minute read

After a brief rest at the hotel, Rachel and I headed to my mom Ellen and step dad Fred’s house for dinner. My mom told my younger half-sister Megan that she ...

Back To Work

1 minute read

Just after 1:00 PM, Rachel and I decided to grab some lunch and head towards my office. We made a quick stop at a nearby Taco Bell / Pizza Hut express before...

More Reunions

2 minute read

Around 10:00 AM, I called my mom, Ellen, to see how things were going. We talked for a while before I told her that I was busy and that I would have to call ...

My Tattoos

9 minute read

For those observant people who check my photo gallery, you may have noticed something: I had my body tattooed, not once, but twice! The people who have seen ...

The Tattoo

less than 1 minute read

My wife Rachel is diabetic. She is supposed to advertise that fact with a medical alert bracelet or necklace so that paramedics would be better able to treat...