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Wii Have A Problem

2 minute read

Recently, the US Government approved a stimulus payment to us taxpayers. The payment schedule was based on the last two digits of the taxpayer’s Social Secur...

Gas Shortage

1 minute read

I know that gas prices are steadily increasing. The only solution is to stop using gas. One could use a vehicle that uses an alternative energy source (such ...

How Easy Is It To Ignite Gasoline?

1 minute read

I do not normally think about how easy it is to ignite gasoline. I know that flame (as from a match) or a single spark can ignite gasoline. Anyway, as I was ...

Back From The Hospital

less than 1 minute read

During a routine checkup, our veterinarian noticed that Kara’s teeth needed cleaning. As all three dogs have the same routine, we are not quite sure why her ...

Everything Is Coming Up Aces

less than 1 minute read

I finished my two classes, “Introduction to Web Design” and “Networking Concepts,” last week. Today, I received my official grade report. As typical for tech...