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The Dark Knight

2 minute read

Rachel and I went to watch “The Dark Knight” yesterday afternoon. The movie was great. Heath Ledger did an excellent portrayal of “The Joker.” I was a bit co...

Off To The Races

less than 1 minute read

After a few months of being without my treadmill, it is finally up and running again. My mishap a few months ago fried the main circuit board. Last week a re...

Independence Day 2008

1 minute read

So far, today has been a quiet day. I imagine that as it gets darker outside, it will become louder. Several of my neighbors have been setting off fireworks ...

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer

1 minute read

Last week, I was supposed to take my Microsoft 70-548: Designing and Developing Windows-Based Applications by Using the Microsoft .NET Framework exam. On Mon...


less than 1 minute read

“What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, And makes a slinkity sound?” A Slinky of course! At my desk at work I have a small slinky collection (about a doz...